James Maher: Street Photography
January, 13, 2020- 7:00pm
Online: Via Webex
New York photographer, who draws his inspiration from the people and history of New York, will present a program on street photography. This session will cover a wide range of street photography topics, beginning with an introduction to the genre and progressing through intermediate and advanced topics. We will cover everything from how to setup and use your camera, to tips and tricks to make street photography easier and more comfortable, to street photography in quiet and suburban areas, and to overall conceptual issues in street photography, such as telling a story and creating a portfolio or project.
James has lived in New York for his entire life. Like many Manhattanites, he is a terrible driver and cook, but he’s an excellent navigator. He has been practicing the art of street photography since he first picked up a camera, has worked as a portrait, studio, and documentary photographer in New York since 2005, is a certified New York photography tour and workshop guide, and is the author of The New York Photographer’s Travel Guide and The Essentials of Street Photography.
Sparta Camera Club members will receive an automatic invitation to this meeting. Non-members need to email us info@spartacameraclub.org . Visitors are allowed to attend one meeting for free before being required to join. For more information about the club visit our webpage at https://www.spartacameraclub.org .
All Content © Sparta Camera Club and their respective members. No photos displayed on this site may be used without permission from the credited photographer.