SCC Photo Book
There has been a change in the deadline for the Photo Book submissions to Friday, August 31, 2018 and an increase in the number of photos from 3 to 5.
The Contest in Photo Contest Pro is named 2018 Photo Book. The link for Photo Contest Pro is
You can now post five images per member (see details below). The length of the longest side of the photo for Photo Contest Pro is 1280 pixels or smaller.
We will notify you which images were selected. At that time, each member will be asked to provide us with full resolution images. These images should be Jpegs with a resolution of at least 300 ppi; a maximum horizontal width of 7.25 inches and a maximum vertical height of 9 inches.
Event Details:
Images must be taken in Sussex or Warren counties.
Images can be submitted for the following topics: (also see recent club email on some areas where we need additional images)
We will notify you which images were selected at the end of the contest. At that time, each member will be asked to provide us with full resolution images. These images should be Jpegs with a resolution of at least 300 ppi; a maximum horizontal width of 7.25 inches and a maximum vertical height of 9 inches.
Please keep your email addresses up to date so that we can contact you at the time.
We will also need pictures taken of club activities: please let either Jim or me know if you have pictures of club activities. These can be sent to us directly and are in addition to your contest entries.
Questions: Virginia Kolstad:; ( (973) 727-0905; Jim Costello:
Thank you for participating!