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  • Milky Way Photography

Milky Way Photography

  • Monday, June 11, 2018
  • 9:30 PM - 11:30 PM
  • Lusscroft Farms

Milky Way Photography-change in the date.


Date:  Monday evening June 11, (Weather dependent); Time:  9:30 PM


Place:  Lusscroft Farms, 50 Nielson Road, Sussex NJ


The forecast is for clear skies on Monday--hopefully that will happen.  Plan on a night of star trails and milky way photography with Bill O'Neill. We will meet at the main parking area at Lusscroft Farms at 9:30.  If you arrive late, we will be down beyond the barns in the field. 


Here is what you will need to bring:  a wide angle lens (f2.8 if possible),  14-34 MM on a full frame or 9-20 MM on a APS-C sensor, a sturdy tripod, a remote shutter, a DSLR Camera, intervalometer if your camera does not have one (not required), hand warmers, bug spray, and a red head light or flashlight (NO WHITE LIGHTS). 


Please let me know if have questions and if you plan to come so we can let you know about any further changes. Virginia Kolstad, vkolstad@msn.com  and check out Bill's Milky Way photo from last year's shoot.







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